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Showing posts with the label BC15-BC17

msdyn365bc Preprocessor Directives - Pragma Directives.

Hi Readers, In the Introduction article of series we understand different types of Preprocessor  directives available in Business Central. Preprocessor Directives are available starting Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2.  You can read other articles in this series using this link. In this article we will understand how to use Pragma Directives. The #pragma directive gives the compiler special instructions for the compilation of the file in which it appears. 

#msdyn365 End of the Beginning.

Hi Readers, If you haven't noticed End of the Beginning already started 05 months ago. In this article we will discuss about what does that mean and how does that impact #msdyn365bc customers. #msdyn365bc, #end of beginning

MSDYN365BC - Generic Aging Report.

Hi Readers, In last #bcopendiscussion , we discussed how we can build a Generic Customer Payment Report in Business Central. This article we will discuss about same report. We will use List Datatype to develop this report.  Idea behind this report is user should be able to key in a Start Date, No of Periods required in the report output and also How many months in per Period.

msdyn365bc Preprocessor Directives - Region Directive.

Hi Readers, In the Introduction article of series we understand different types of Preprocessor  directives available in Business Central. Preprocessor Directives are available starting Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2.  You can read other articles in this series using this link . In this article we will understand how to use Region Directives. This directives is used for better readability or for focusing on code that you are currently writing. 

msdyn365bc Preprocessor Directives - Conditional Directives.

Hi Readers, In the Introduction article of series we understand different types of Preprocessor  directives available in Business Central. Preprocessor Directives are available starting Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2.  You can read other articles in this series using this link . In this article we will understand how to use Conditional Directives. As name suggest with conditional directives this allows you to compile your code conditionally.

msdyn365bc - Preprocessor Directives in AL Introduction.

Hi Readers, Continuing what's new in business central 2020 wave 2. In this series, we’ll learn about Preprocessor Directives, available directives in AL, and when, why and how why they are used. As the name justifies, preprocessor directives are a block of statements that gets processed before the actual compilation starts. AL preprocessor directives are the commands for the compiler that affects the compilation process. #AL, #msdyn365bc

What's New in Update 17.3 for Business Central Online?

Hi Readers, Microsoft have released 17.3 for Business Central SaaS customers.  The Update will be applied on all SaaS Tenant in coming weeks. Update is already started rolling out on SaaS Customers. With this cumulative update Microsoft have added some features which were requested by community on Ideas website. Other MVP's & Bloggers have written detailed article about these Feature changes.

msdyn365bc - Enhanced Email Capabilities - Part 3.

Hi Readers, Till now in this series -  In first article of this series we setup the New Email Capabilities with Business Central. We also setup email scenarios with multiple emails right now. Read Part 1 Here . In second article of this series we Tested email scenario with sending email. Read Part 2 Here . In this last article we will see what else is available with enhanced email capabilities.

msdyn365bc - Enhanced Email Capabilities - Part 2.

Hi Readers, In first article of this series we setup the New Email Capabilities with Business Central. We also setup email scenarios with multiple emails right now. If you haven't read part 1 of this series please read here . As we have setup email scenarios for sales & purchase lets test those scenarios.

msdyn365bc - Enhanced Email Capabilities - Part 1.

Hi Readers, With Business central 2020 Wave 2 Microsoft have added an optional feature regarding Enhanced Email Capabilities.   In this series of articles we will talk about setting up the enhanced email capabilities. But as I said earlier before turning a feature on in Feature Management make sure to Test in in Sandbox / docker environment. 

msdyn365bc - SMTP with Multi-factor Authentication.

Hi Readers, I am sure you have either heard or using Multi-factor authentication. The Reason companies use MFA because -  Your passwords can be easily compromised. MFA immediately increases your account security by requiring multiple forms of verification to prove your identity when signing into an application. With Great powers there are new issues or I should say new configuration need to done with dependent software's.

MSDYN365BC 2020 Wave 1 - Data Upgrade Paths.

Hi Readers, This question is being asked so many times when you start thinking about upgrades. I don't know why there is so much confusion about upgrade Paths to latest and greatest version of Business central. If you ever heard that there is no upgrade path from a specific version of NAV to Business central then I am confirm that it was a incorrect Information. No. of Steps are same for msdyn365bc 2020 wave 2. (17.0) #DataUpgrade

#msdyn365bc - Keep your containerhelper module updated?

Hi all, As most of us are learning and start using dockers for business central.  With the changes are happening with the product and also in bccontainer helper we need to make sure that we have always latest version of container module installed in our system. In this article, I will share my way of keeping my bccontainerhelper updated.

#msdyn365bc - Check Financial Journal in Background.

Hi Readers, In this article we will discuss about one of the optional feature added in Business Central 2020 Release Wave 2. I think this will be great feature added for new users in Business Central or a super old NAV Customer who are recently upgraded to Business Central. With this feature as we add Journal Lines system check the mandatory fields. Business Central validate financial journals, such as general or payment journals, while you're working on them.

#msdyn365bc - How Do I Install New Version of Extension (on-Prem)?

Hi Readers, In this article we will discuss about installing a new version of extension on-prem & docker containers. With Extension model, when we change apps that we build for our customers, there are certain steps to be followed for Installation of new version of app in tenant. This is based on a question that received on email. You will need to follow steps in same order when there a new version of Per Tenant Extension (PTE) or ISV/Apps on-Prem version. For this demo, I will build an app called "Upgrade Extension Demo".

msdyn365bc - Migrations to Business Central online.

Hi Readers, In this article we will discuss what's new Migration to Business Central Online with Business Central 2020 Wave 2. Till now Business Central on-premises solution should be an identical twin in a Business Central online tenant for replication.  With Business Central 2020 wave 2 there are new possibility added. 

#msdyn365bc - Clean your app.json file?

Hi Readers, This article is about a quick change during AL Development. This change can be implemented starting Business Central 15.3 and higher.  With Business Central 17 the Visual Studio code automatically apply these setting when you create a new apps.  As we all understand, that we all extension need to have at least dependent on Microsoft default apps.

#msdyn365bc - Test Base64 Conversion via API?

Hi Readers, As discussed in last article we will Test customization using API that we developed this week for integration from #msdyn365bc or #MSDynNAV. If you want to see other articles in this series please  refer here . We will need to use same website to Test this process. This process will require a Base64 Value for testing. 

#msdyn365bc - Test Base64 Conversion via Web Services?

Hi Readers, As discussed in last article we will Test customization using web services that we developed this week for integration from #msdyn365bc or #MSDynNAV. If you want to see other articles in this series please  refer here . We will need to use same website to Test this process. This process will require a Base64 Value for testing. 

#msdyn365bc - Test Base64 Conversion via Modern Client?

Hi Readers, As discussed in last article we will Test customization that we developed this week for integration from #msdyn365bc or #MSDynNAV. If you want to see other articles in this series please  refer here . We will need to use a website to Test this process. This process will require a Base64 Value for testing.