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How Do I - Filter Your Business Central Api Data.

 Hi Readers,

In continuation to the API Series today we will discuss about Filtration options for Business Central API's on-prem and online.

This video is about how to filter data using Business Central APIs.

We will go over -  
  • the different comparison operators that are supported, such as equal to, not equal to, greater than, and less than. 
  • Demo how to use these operators in Postman to filter data.
  • Discusses logical operators, such as and and or. 
  • Or operator can only be used with the same field. He also shows how to use a range of values to filter data.
  • text-based operators, such as contains, starts with, and ends with. 
  • The top, skip, and count parameters, which can be used to control the number of records that are returned.

Overall, this video is a good resource for learning how to filter data using Business Central APIs. 

key points from the video:

  • You can use comparison operators to filter data based on specific values.
  • You can use logical operators to combine multiple filters.
  • You can use text-based operators to filter data based on text strings.
  • You can use the top, skip, and count parameters to control the number of records that are returned.
If you are interested in learning more about filtering data using Business Central APIs, I recommend watching this video. It is a great starting point for beginners, and it will also be helpful for more experienced users.
