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Microsoft Dynamics Business Central Cumulative Update Summary for January 2023.

Hi Readers,

A New Month and a new set of cumulative updates.

Microsoft Have Released Cumulative Update for January 2023 for Business Central 14, 19, 20 & 21.

Please find below the details of Cumulative Updates Released for Microsoft Business Central 14, 19, 20 & 21.

Below are the Links to Download the Latest Cumulative Update.

#msdyn365bc14 #msdyn365bc19 #msdyn365bc20 #msdyn365bc21

1. Title - Cumulative Update 21.03 for MSDYN365BC 2022 Wave2 Update on-premises (BC21)

  Application Build No. - 21.3.51464

  Platform Build No. - 21.0.51456


  Details of Update

  Download Link

  Docker Pull Request - Get-BCArtifactUrl -type OnPrem -version 21.3 -country w1

  ** Replace w1 with local version that you need.

2. Title - Cumulative Update 20.9 for MSDYN365BC 2022 Wave1 Update on-premises (BC20)

  Application Build No. - 20.9.51421

  Platform Build No. - 20.0.51404


  Details of Update

  Download Link

  Docker Pull Request - Get-BCArtifactUrl -type OnPrem -version 20.9 -country w1

  ** Replace w1 with local version that you need.

3. Title - Cumulative Update 19.15 for MSDYN365BC 2021 Wave2 Update on-premises (BC19)

  Application Build No. - 19.15.51441

  Platform Build No. - 19.0.51354


  Details of Update

  Download Link

  Docker Pull Request - Get-BCArtifactUrl -type OnPrem -version 19.15 -country w1

  ** Replace w1 with local version that you need.

4. Title - Cumulative Update 43 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central April'19 on-premises (BC14)

  Application Build No. - 14.44.49619

  Platform Build No. - 14.0.49616

  Local versions included - AT,AU,BE,CA,CH,CZ,DE,DK,ES,FI,FR,IS,IT,NA,NL,NO,NZ,RU,SE,UK,W1

  Details of Update

  Download Link

  Docker Pull Request - Get-BCArtifactUrl -type OnPrem -version 14.44 -country w1

  ** Replace w1 with local version that you need.

Application Hotfix in Business Central 21 - 

  • 454192 - The Work Description field is not used when using a web service or OData to export sales orders.
  • 456114 - Show Nonmatched only filters the Bank Statement lines and not the Bank Account Ledger Entries.
  • 453094 - An incorrect country code showing in the item ledger entry when creating a credit memo from a posted sales invoice that has a manually added shipment address.
  • 453135 - A link from a posted line is automatically attached to new lines after posting General Journal lines.
  • 454395 - The Financial Report ignores the G/L Budget Filter on the Acc. Schedule Overview page.
  • 455112 - The default dimension value of the item is not used when a dimension value conflicts between the item and the salesperson in the sales order header and is using the default dimension priorities.
  • 455547 - The Posting No. Series field on the Intercompany General Journal is not populated on journal lines.
  • 456947 - The Unrealized VAT is equal to the VAT Date of the invoice instead of the VAT Date of the payment in a payment invoice or an apply invoice.
  • 457200 - Source Code is missing in the Employee Ledger Entry after the General Journal Posting process.
  • 457669 - The G/L - VAT Reconciliation report shows incorrect values if VAT Statement lines don't have Amount Type specified.
  • 458010 - Posted Sales Invoice can't be canceled if the line type is set as Resource.
  • 455926 - "Quantity Invoiced must not be greater than the sum of Qty Assigned and Qty. to Assign." error message appears because the Item Charge Qty. to Assign becomes negative in the initial order.
  • 456769 - The Compress Prepayment field on the Sales Order page has an incorrect ApplicationArea property .
  • 457418 - The Contact Number is incorrect when two contacts have the same Contact Alt. Address Code.
  • 457764 - The Payment Method Code is blank and Due Date for the payment is not calculated correctly when posting a Vendor Ledger Entry via General Journal with Standard General Journals.
  • 457180 - Error when trying to receive or invoice a Fixed Asset on the Purchase Order when another Fixed Asset has previously been received or invoiced and subsequently disposed.
  • 453006 - The Item Tracing doesn't properly display the undone quantity for Assembly Consumption lines after undoing an Assembly Order.
  • 455038 - Dimensions are reverted back after changing the location on a line.
  • 456798 - The Variant Code is not copied to the Output Journal.
  • 456981 - "The length of the string is XX, but it must be less than or equal to XX characters..." error message when dealing with the catalog item.
  • 456998 - Transfer receipts are showing as negative decreases in the Inventory Valuation report when using the Location Filter.
  • 458674 - Item tracking lines are incorrect in the purchase return order when using the "Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse" function.
  • 453468 - Prevent the user from importing the Qty. Unit of Measure with more than five decimal places from configuration package.
  • 456746 - When the No. series are the same for Inventory receipt and Posted Invt Receipts, the Posted Document doesn't have the same No. as the original document for the Inventory Documents.
  • 454739 - Unable to post a credit memo after changing the standard cost.
  • 456123 - Unexpected results after changing the Sell-to, Ship-to or Bill-to fields on the Job card.
  • 457024 - Saturday and Sunday columns are not showing to approve the time in the Time Sheet Manager by Job page.
  • 458179 - The address is taken from the customer card when sending job quote by email.
  • 454701 - The total percentage completed by customer is not correct on the Customer Jobs-Cost report.
  • 454717 - The new Time Sheet experience causes issue when copying lines from the previous Time Sheet.
  • 456109 - "Quantity can't be less than Qty. Transferred to Invoice" error message when posting a job journal line with the serial tracked item.
  • 457345 - Resource Group and Assign-to No. on the Price List Lines page are not updated by the new code.
  • 458555 - The Product No. is not updated as expected in the Sales Job Price List if a Resource Group, Item or G/L account is renamed.
  • 454689 - The confirmation message shows multiple times after selecting "no" when making a change at the routing level dealing with a released production order and WMS.
  • 456334 - The component consumption is related to the Purchase Order Document No. at the Item Ledger Entry level when dealing with the routing link code and subcontracting.
  • 454699 - Component Forecast Netting issues where the Forecast is not consumed correctly if Component at Location Code is left blank in Manufacturing Setup.
  • 454704 - No update is proposed at the line level after manually adding department code at the assembly header level when dealing with the assembly order.
  • 454710 - The From-Production Bin Code specified on the Work Center of the last operation for the new Routing doesn't update the Bin Code field on a Released Production Order Line.
  • 455598 - Unable to edit a Non-meeting task after an organizer task is created.
  • 454715 - After changing the "Ship-to" field value to "Customer Address" and select the "Customer", a message appears and the "Location code" field value is updated with the "Location code" value from the customer card in the header of the purchase order.
  • 456765 - Shipment No. showing in the caption instead of the receipt No. in the Purchase - Receipt report.
  • 457254 - Unable to change the responsibility center without changing the location code.
  • 458177 - The entries without external documents are not printed in the Vendor- Balance to Date report when the Use External Document No. option is enabled.
  • 453118 - Direct unit cost related to blanket order is updated according to the purchase price setup when the quantity is changed even if the line belongs to a blanket order.
  • 453462 - The new Posted Purchase Invoice Lines list doesn't filter on the Responsibility Center.
  • 450209 - The numbering is incorrect in Sales Credit Memos.
  • 453125 - The Blanket Purchase or Sales Order is not automatically linked to a Purchase or Sales Credit Memo when using the Correct Function.
  • 454122 - The Error Message Register opens a wrong page when a document is deleted.
  • 454652 - The Currency Exchange Rate is updated while the warning message shows the opposite when running the Post Sales Invoice batch with a different Posting Date in the Czech version.
  • 454697 - The sales lines are not validated when the VAT Bus. Posting Group is changed in the sales order header.
  • 455824 - The confirmation message of applying customer or vendor templates is not clear enough about overwriting existing values on the customers or vendors with blank values from the templates.
  • 455940 - "There are unposted prepayment amounts on the document of type Quote with the number xxx" error message when releasing a Sale Quote for a Customer with a Prepayment %.
  • 456127 - The Sales Return Order Confirmation report prints an extra blank page.
  • 456357 - Documents are archived twice when posting a Sales Order.
  • 456488 - Customer Statement numbering issue.
  • 457188 - Strange behavior when applying a payment for two invoices with the page inspection feature enabled.
  • 457357 - The Ship-to Code is missing in the Requisition Worksheet line created from the sales order with drop shipment and order promising.
  • 455273 - The Adjusted Cost is incorrect in the sales order statistic.
  • 456460 - Total VAT rounding issue in sales invoices and sales orders.
  • 457285 - The Planned field on the Sales Order line is not updated after cancelling a reservation from the Reservation Entry page.
  • 456352 - The Direct Debit Mandate ID is not filled automatically when creating a Service Contract or creating a Service Order from a Service Contract.
  • 455194 - Bin Contents displays incorrect Pick Quantity (Base) when an item has multiple records with different Unit of Measure Code values.
  • 457161 - ADCS Communication generates a loop in LOGON, LOGOFF and other procedures.
  • 458578 - The planning doesn't behave as described in the "Planning with or without location" documentation.
  • 453047 - Replan Prod.Order with the Inbound Whse. Handling Time in Location Setup leads to a wrong calculation of the due date.
  • 455410 - Some packages are missing when calculating a Warehouse Physical Inventory Journal using Package tracking in a Directed Put-away and Pick location.

Application Hotfix in Business Central 20 -

  • 452729 - A link from a posted line is automatically attached to new lines after posting General Journal lines.
  • 452887 - The item default dimension value is not used when there is a dimension value conflicts between the item and the salesperson in the sales order header and is using the default dimension priorities.
  • 453093 - An incorrect country code showing in the item ledger entry when creating a credit memo from a posted sales invoice that has a manually added shipment address.
  • 455546 - The Posting No. Series field on the Intercompany General Journal is not populated on journal lines.
  • 456992 - Posted Sales Invoice can't be canceled if the line type is set as Resource.
  • 457668 - The G/L - VAT Reconciliation report shows incorrect values if VAT Statement lines don't have Amount Type specified.
  • 456768 - The Compress Prepayment field on the Sales Order page has incorrect ApplicationArea property .
  • 456995 - Error when trying to receive or invoice a Fixed Asset on the Purchase Order when another Fixed Asset has previously been received or invoiced and subsequently disposed.
  • 438017 - Dimensions are reverted back after changing the location on a line.
  • 444800 - The Item Tracing doesn't properly display the undone quantity for Assembly Consumption lines after undoing an Assembly Order.
  • 456797 - The Variant Code is not copied to the Output Journal.
  • 456980 - "The length of the string is XX, but it must be less than or equal to XX characters..." error message when dealing with the catalog item.
  • 458673 - Item tracking lines are incorrect in the purchase return order when using the "Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse" function.
  • 449262 - Unexpected results after changing the Sell-to, Ship-to or Bill-to fields on the Job card.
  • 454225 - Unable to post a credit memo if the standard cost has changed.
  • 452790 - The total percentage complete by customer is not correct on the Customer Jobs-Cost report.
  • 451775 - Purchase lines are not tracked properly for the Job Usage Link to the proper Job Line Type on the jobs in the United States version.
  • 456108 - "Quantity can't be less than Qty. Transferred to Invoice" error message when posting a job journal line with the serial tracked item.
  • 457323 - Resource Group and Assign-to No. on the Price List Lines page are not updated by the new code.
  • 451838 - The confirmation message shows multiple times after selecting "no" when making a change at the routing level dealing with a released production order and WMS.
  • 456333 - The component consumption is related to the Purchase Order Document No. at the Item Ledger Entry level when dealing with the routing link code and subcontracting.
  • 452908 - No update is proposed at the line level after manually adding department code at the assembly header level when dealing with the assembly order.
  • 453289 - The From-Production Bin Code specified on the Work Center of the last operation for the new Routing doesn't update the Bin Code field on a Released Production Order Line.
  • 453603 - Unable to edit a Non-meeting task after an organizer task is created.
  • 453524 - After changing the "Ship-to" field value to "Customer Address" and select the "Customer", a message appears and the "Location code" field value is updated with the "Location code" value from the customer card in the header of the purchase order.
  • 456764 - Shipment No. showing in the caption instead of the receipt No. in the Purchase - Receipt report.
  • 452040 - Direct unit cost related to blanket order is updated according to the purchase price setup when the quantity is changed even if the line belongs to a blanket order.
  • 458947 - System posts the complete quantity when trying to post partial quantity to Purchase or Sales Return Order for shipping or receiving after assigning complete quantity in item tracking.
  • 448855 - The numbering is incorrect in Sales Credit Memos.
  • 449053 - Strange behavior when applying a payment for two invoices with the page inspection feature enabled.
  • 449387 - The Currency Exchange Rate is updated while the warning message shows the opposite when running the Post Sales Invoice batch with a different Posting Date in the Czech version.
  • 450574 - VAT Clause Description by Document Type is not printed in the Posted Sales Invoice or the Posted Sales Credit Memo.
  • 453124 - The Blanket Purchase or Sales Order is not automatically linked to a Purchase or Sales Credit Memo when using the Correct Function.
  • 454696 - The sales lines are not validated when the VAT Bus. Posting Group is changed in the sales order header.
  • 456126 - The Sales Return Order Confirmation report prints an extra blank page.
  • 457356 - The Ship-to Code is missing in the Requisition Worksheet line created from the sales order with drop shipment and order promising.
  • 456925 - Total VAT rounding issue in sales invoices and sales orders.
  • 456351 - The Direct Debit Mandate ID is not filled automatically when creating a Service Contract or creating a Service Order from a Service Contract.
  • 448078 - Bin Contents displays incorrect Pick Quantity (Base) when an item has multiple records with differing Unit of Measure Code values.
  • 458577 - The planning doesn't behave as described in the "Planning with or without location" documentation.
  • 449673 - Replan Prod.Order with the Inbound Whse. Handling Time in Location Setup leads to a wrong calculation of the due date.
  • 455290 - Some packages are missing when calculating a Warehouse Physical Inventory Journal using Package tracking in a Directed Put-away and Pick location.

Application Hotfix in Business Central 19 -

  • 441755 - The G/L - VAT Reconciliation report shows incorrect values if VAT Statement lines don't have Amount Type specified.
  • 456767 - The Compress Prepayment field on the Sales Order page has incorrect ApplicationArea property.
  • 456796 - The Variant Code is not copied to the Output Journal.
  • 456973 - "The length of the string is XX, but it must be less than or equal to XX characters..." error message when dealing with the catalog item.
  • 458672 - Item tracking lines are incorrect in the purchase return order when using the "Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse" function.
  • 456107 - "Quantity can't be less than Qty. Transferred to Invoice" error message when posting a job journal line with the serial tracked item.
  • 456332 - The component consumption is related to the Purchase Order Document No. at the Item Ledger Entry level when dealing with the routing link code and subcontracting.
  • 456763 - Shipment No. showing in the caption instead of the receipt No. in the Purchase - Receipt report.
  • 458056 - "There is no Item Application Entry within the filter. Filters: Item Ledger Entry No.: <>XXX, Inbound Item Entry No.: XXX' " error message when undoing a purchase return shipment for a tracked item posted to a job.
  • 458946 - System posts the complete quantity when trying to post partial quantity to Purchase or Sales Return Order for shipping or receiving after assigning complete quantity in item tracking.
  • 453123 - The Blanket Purchase or Sales Order is not linked automatically in Purchase or Sales Credit Memo when using the Correct Function in a Posted Purchase or Sales Invoice.
  • 454695 - The sales lines are not validated when the VAT Bus. Posting Group is changed in the sales order header.
  • 457355 - The Ship-to Code is missing in the Requisition Worksheet line created from the sales order with drop shipment and order promising.
  • 458103 - Technical validation error message related to the VAT Clause Description when importing a custom report layout for the Standard Sales - Invoice report in the Norwegian version.
  • 450363 - The Direct Debit Mandate ID is not filled automatically when creating a Service Contract or creating a Service Order from a Service Contract.
  • 456125 - The Sales Return Order Confirmation report prints an extra blank page.
  • 458576 - The planning doesn't behave as described in the "Planning with or without location" documentation.

Application Hotfix in Business Central 14 - 

  • 453122 - The Blanket Purchase or Sales Order is not linked automatically in Purchase or Sales Credit Memo when using the Correct Function in a Posted Purchase or Sales Invoice.
  • 454694 - The sales lines are not validated when the VAT Bus. Posting Group is changed in the sales order header.
  • 455935 - "Quantity can't be less than Qty. Transferred to Invoice" error message when posting a job journal line with the serial tracked item.
  • 456059 - The component consumption is related to the Purchase Order Document No. at the Item Ledger Entry level when dealing with the routing link code and subcontracting.
  • 456354 - Documents are archived twice when posting a Sales Order.
  • 456751 - The Compress Prepayment field on the Sales Order page has incorrect ApplicationArea property .
  • 456762 - Shipment No. showing in the caption instead of the receipt No. in the Purchase - Receipt report.
  • 456795 - The Variant Code is not copied to the Output Journal.
  • 457288 - The Ship-to Code is missing in the Requisition Worksheet line created from the sales order with drop shipment and order promising.
  • 457319 - "There is no Item Application Entry within the filter. Filters: Item Ledger Entry No.: <>XXX, Inbound Item Entry No.: XXX' " error message when undoing a purchase return shipment for a tracked item posted to a job.
  • 458041 - Item tracking lines are incorrect in the purchase return order when using the "Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse" function.
  • 458575 - The planning doesn't behave as described in the "Planning with or without location" documentation.
  • 458801 - System posts the complete quantity when trying to post partial quantity to Purchase or Sales Return Order for shipping or receiving after assigning complete quantity in item tracking.

For information about the previous Cumulative update released for Business Central on Prem, Microsoft Dynamics NAV2018, BC14, BC19, BC20 & BC21 please Navigate to Hotfix Label or follow the Link.

Saurav Dhyani


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