This article based on a question that I have.
In Dynamics NAV World you can create a new database in Dynamics NAV Development Environment and import objects in database.
With Business Central Era all base Microsoft objects are now part of Base and System App's.
In this article, we will discuss about steps to create a new database, with Business Central on-prem.
You can use Administration Shell or use PowerShell ISE as Administrator.
If you are using PowerShell ISE, You will need to import Business Central Module to get commands loaded.
Sample Import Command - (BC18)
Import-Module 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central\180\Service\NavAdminTool.ps1'
1. Create a New Database.
Use Command New-NAVApplicationDatabase, This command needs Database Name, Database Server Name and Database Location.
** Database Location - Is the Path where database files will get stored.
2. Connect Database to Service Instance.
Create a New Service or Change an Existing Business Central Service.
Update Database Server and Database Name in Service.
3. Import License in Database and Restart Service.
To Import License file You can use PowerShell cmdlet, Import-NAVServerLicense.
To Restart Server Instance, use PowerShell cmdlet, Restart-NAVServerInstance.
4. Synchronize NAV Tenant.
To Synchronize Tenant you can use PowerShell cmdlet, Sync-NAVTenant with parameter Service Name.
5. The First Application (Extension) to Publish is System Application.
This Extension have all system objects. To Add a New Extension three commands are required -
- Publish-NAVApp, Sync-NAVApp & Install-NAVApp
This Extension have all Microsoft objects. To Add a New Extension three commands are required -
- Publish-NAVApp, Sync-NAVApp & Install-NAVApp
This Extension have all Microsoft objects. To Add a New Extension three commands are required -
- Publish-NAVApp, Sync-NAVApp & Install-NAVApp
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