Hi Readers,
In this series of articles we will discuss about what's new in the product with Business Central 2020 Wave 2.
With Business Central 2020 Wave 2 (V17), Microsoft have added Data Audit System Fields in all Tables.
In this article we will understand what that means and how developers can utilize these fields with AL Programming.
#MSDyn365BC #BusinessCentral
With all tables, it means all -
- Base Microsoft Tables.
- All Extension Tables.
- Temporary Tables.
What are Audit System Fields added in every tables -
- SystemCreatedBy
- SystemCreatedOn
- SystemLastModifiedBy
- SystemLastModifiedOn
GUID will never change for the use in Business Central.
As a developer you can actually set a Lookup value based on GUID.
What These Fields are used for?
- Used for Audit purpose.
- User cannot manually modify any of the audit Fields.
- Developers cannot assign/modify values to any of the audit fields.
- Platform sets these values.
- Audit Fields cannot be imported with configuration packages.
How these Values are assigned?
- After all onbefore[Modify|Insert] Events.
- After the Modify/Insert Triggers.
- Before all onafter [Modify|Insert] Events.
When New Records are Inserted?
- SystemCreatedBy and SystemCreatedOn are populated with Values.
- Fields SystemLastModifiedBy and SystemLastModifiedOn will be same.
When Records are Modified?
- SystemLastModifiedBy & SystemLastModifedOn are updated.
- No Impact on SystemCreatedBy and SystemCreatedOn.
What is there for Developers?
- Developers can use these fields to filter records.
- These Fields can be added in the page for user visibility.
Developer Usage - Example?
Example 1 - Add Fields in Page using Page Extension.
Example 2 - Use System Audit Fields in the code to filter Records.
Stay connected, We will discuss more about new features in product and how to use it.
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