Microsoft Have Released Cumulative Update for 2019 Wave 2 (15).
Please find below the details of Cumulative Updates Released for Microsoft Business Central 2019 Wave 2(15).
Cumulative Update for April 2020.
Below are the Links to Download the Latest Cumulative Update.
#MSDYN365BC #2019Wave2
1. Title - Update 15.5 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 Release Wave 2
Application Build No. - 15.5.41926
Platform Build No. - 15.5.41893
Local Version - AT, AU, BE, CH, CZ, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, IS, IT, NA, NL, NO, NZ, RU, SE, UK
Details of Update
Download Link
Platform Hotfix -
342848 - Activity Cues are not displayed correctly if they span more than one line in the Web client.
347523 - The client stops working when you open the Item Quantities page.
347149 - The browser stops working when you use the extension.
349589 - The Pending status will not to be documented.
346773 - Installation fails if the Dynamics NAV Server cannot start.
340227 - "The following SQL error was unexpected: Invalid object name '<DB Name>.dbo.CRONUS France S_A_$Activities Cue'" error message displays when you export to a data file.
347830 - Some values are stored with both uppercase and lowercase characters in the System tables of the server instance and active session.
343641 - You cannot open list pages if you change the Item SQL Data Type property of the No. field to Variant in the Item table.
347447 - "Filter is not valid - Did not expect " error message displays when you try to filter on Payment Terms Code 1M(8D).
Application Hotfix -
343390 - If you export data classifications to Excel, Business Central will export all lines without sorting data classification lines by company.
343395 - If you use the local language to export Data Sensitivity lines, the content of the Data Sensitivity column is always exported in English.
346540 - The Windows User Name field does not persist on the Users list page.
343161 - The Suggest Vendor Payments batch job does not increment number series values correctly.
342941 - Cannot remove a match when you use the Suggest Lines action and the auto-match function is enabled for bank reconciliations.
349502 - When you use the Create Payment function, the payment journal line is created with an incorrect document type.
341562 - Journal lines have incorrect dates in general journals.
343954 - "G/L accounts for discounts are missing on one or more lines on the General Posting Setup page" error message displays if G/L accounts related to discounts are missing.
344476 - The top 10 list is not sorted as expected when the Balance (LCY) field is used for the Show parameter.
344608 - Allocated costs are assigned to a blocked cost center.
343318 - Blocked and non-standard dimension values can be added to the G/L Budget Entries page.
345324 - You can post unbalanced G/L entries by using a reversing recurring journal although the Force Doc. Balance checkbox is chosen.
346478 - The incorrect table has a relation in the Statement No. field in the Posted Payment Recon. Line table.
346507 - The caption and tooltip of the Allow G/L Acc. Deletion Before field in the General Ledger Setup table/page do not provide enough information.
347930 - If you search for the Dimension – Detail report you get two results.
349601 - The Original Pmt. Disc. Possible and the Remaining Pmt. Disc. Possible amounts are incorrect in vendor ledger entries.
348186 - The Document Type field is blank on purchase journals.
344021 - Dimensions are not displayed correctly on archived sales orders.
342232 - The Payment Terms code is blank when the Copy Document function is used.
342936 - Cannot create tariff numbers by choosing the New button in the on-premises version of Business Central.
341354 - A performance issue occurs when you use the Item Category Code field on the Item card.
345339 - The filter on the assembly does not work.
349623 - The inbound transfer of an average cost item is revalued and indirectly contributes to its own cost.
344748 - Updating an item category does not also update item attributes.
343319 - On the Item Tracking card, the Require Expiration Dates field is renamed.
345148 - Section titles Price(LCY), Cost(LCY), Profit(LCY), Price, Cost, Profit) are missing in job statistics.
343277 - A rescheduled production order is updated with different due dates on the header and lines when the Safety Lead Time field is blank.
348573 - You cannot sort on the Start Date and End Date fields in production orders after upgrading to cumulative update 24.
346058 - "The field Segment No. of table Segment Line contains a value (SM00021) that cannot be found in the related table (Segment Header)." error message displays after you log a segment.
345669 - The filter for the Company Name field on the Contacts list page does not display the correct result.
347312 - The Sales Cycle Description field is not displayed when you update an opportunity.
346225 - When the Reorder Policy field is set to Maximum Qty. Value and a Lead Time Calculation field is added, the requisition worksheet is suggests a value that greater than the maximum quantity.
343962 - The Ship-to field on purchase quotes contains the customer address instead of the custom address.
342518 - The Apply from Item Ledger Entry field is blank for a tracked item on a sales order when you make a reservation on a sales return.
342792 - In a prepayment scenario, sales line comments are not displayed for the prepayment invoice if the Compress Prepayment field is set to true.
343131 - The Item Sales by Customer query does not reconcile to the Customer/Item Sales report.
345197 - Sales orders with the same bill-to customer and sell-to customer (where the sell-to customer and bill-to customer are not the same in a document) are not combined into the same invoice that is running the Combine Shipment batch job.
345708 - The address does not change when you choose Another Customer in the Bill-to field on the Sales Invoice page.
348238 - The tooltip for the Freight G/L Acc. No. field is not specific.
345942 - "The length of the string is *, but it must be less than or equal to 250" error message displays in all Power BI embedded scenarios.
343716 - "Cannot match item tracking" error message displays when you perform an inventory pick.
344614 - Changing the values in the Lot and Serial No. fields in the inventory pick does not update the item ledger entry and tracking specification when posted.
For information about the previous Cumulative update released for Business Central on Prem, Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015, NAV 2016, NAV 2017 & NAV 2018 please Navigate to Hotfix Label or follow the Link.
Saurav Dhyani
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