This blog is about a very simple but nice to know the setting in Dynamics NAV or Business Central.
One of the customer queries is the source of this article.
The Query is -
Location is set up to Require Warehouse Receipt documents, and yet I was able to simply POST > Receive from a purchase order.
Let's Test Feature in Cronus Database -
1. Create a New Location Test and set to Require Receive as shown below.
2. Let's Create a Purchase order for Test Location and try to Receive one Quantity.
The system generates a warning messge while trying to set Qty. to Receive in Purchase Line.
Let's Post-it and see its posted without any issues.
So the behavior is as expected as the user said.
How we make sure the Warehouse Receipt is mandatory?
- To start with you will require an Advance Warehouse Functionality in your license.
- If its there then modify the location with Directed Put-away and Pick as shown below.
3. Set Location TEST with Directed Put-away and Pick.
4. Now try to Receive the same purchase order and check. Instead of a message system should generate an Error message.
Hope this article helps you.
Please let me know your views as a comment on this article.
Stay Tuned for More.
Saurav Dhyani
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