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MSDYN365BC - Cumulative Update 03 released for Business Central on Prem.

Hi Readers,

Microsoft has released, Cumulative Update 03 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central on-premises and is available for download.

Details are still not available for download link is available for everyone.

I will post an update in the same article once the details of changes will be available on the Microsoft website.

Application Build - 27233
Platform Build     - 27183

Download Cumulative Update 03 (#MSDYN365BC - onPrem)

Changes in Cumulative Update 03

Cumulative Update 03 is available for following localized version (19) and Worldwide release.
AT - Austria
AU - Australia
BE - Belgium
CH - Switzerland
CZ - Czech
DE - Germany
DK - Denmark
ES - Spain
FI - Finland
FR - France
GB - United Kingdom
IS - Iceland
IT - Italy
NA - North America
NL - Netherlands
NO - Norway
NZ - New Zealand
RU - Russia
SE - Sweden
W1 - (All other countries)

Saurav Dhyani


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