Hi Readers,
During Directions this Year, Microsoft Promised for the release of New Developer Environment during Christmas this year.
Santa Claus is here with the gift to Microsoft Dynamics NAV Consultants from Microsoft.
Whats in the gift -
The in-Client Designer -
Build Extension in client on the fly. Just Drag & Drop fields on web client.
Visual Studio Code -
Use AL Extension for Microsoft Dynamics NAV in Visual studio Code to build powerfufl extension based on existing objects (Tables, Pages & Codeunits) and New Objects (Page Extensions & Table Extensions).
How To Access -
The New Developer Environment Preview, is available to access using azure portal.
Yes, only on Azure Portal. So your either need to have a Paid Azure subscription or You can get a free 30 days trail azure subscription https://azure.microsoft.com/free/.
If you have azure or you have sign up for 30 days trail use link to deploy - http://aka.ms/navdeveloperpreview
Help Me -
The Help Manuals are also avilable about the New Developer Environment. You can access all help in MSDN using this link.
The Help Covers -
- Getting Started.
- Using the Dynamics NAV In-Client Designer.
- Differences in the Dynamics NAV Development Environments.
- Keyboard Shortcut for the New Development Environment.
- Developer Refrences.
Connect/ Share with other Consultants -
For providing feedback/suggestions to microsoft or sharing information we can use -
Twitter #Tags - #dyndev365, #msdynnav, and #code
Suggestion for the product - Get Started and use github library. https://github.com/microsoft/al/issues
If you have issues, remember guys its BETA or Preview. Update microsoft to get it fixed before new development environment is released.
So guys, lets take the Journey to future using new tool. I am so excited, will have a seprate article once i deep dive into it. Join me and lets learn more.
Refrences - MSDN
Saurav Dhyani
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