During past few weeks, there were so many announcements happening in Terms of Microsoft Dynamics. I was following most of the discussions, announcement and events via twitter handles and other great bloggers for Dynamics NAV.
This article I would like to summarize what is happening and my thoughts about same. You may agree or disagree, but that is we need from different minds that we have. I had debated most of these areas and the reason may be I am not physically present during sessions but what I see during past weeks was confusing.
Let's try to discuss and would be happy to hear your views.
Confusion 01 - Dynamics NAV 2017 NDA or No NDA?
I read most of the blog which is publishing information about Dynamics NAV and this is the first time with a new product release that bloggers are not following NDA. As far as I know the Product is still under NDA and no one should post anything until NDA is over. Yes, some features which are there in NAV 2017 are part of Project Madeira and can be blogged but with a title stating Project Maderia, not NAV 2017.
Am I missing something?
Announcement 01 - Release Dates
Directions NA, Directions EMEA & NAVUGSubmmit have one common thing, that is the announcement of the release date for new Dynamics versions & products.
1. Dynamics NAV 2017 will be on October 24th, 2016.
2. New Developer Environment (developer experience) on Visual Studio - Preview Launch Date Christmas 2016.
3. Dynamics 365 Business Edition will be available from November 01'st 2016.
Announcement 02 - Future Dynamics Product Options -
Dynamics NAV, Dynamics SL, and Dynamics GP - will continue to exist as an independent solution,in this moment available on-premises, and as a subscription.
Dynamics AX and CRM - will continue to live only as part of Dynamics 365 solution. (No More on-prem).
Dynamics 365 Business Edition - Dynamics 365 Business Edition, currently on the same Source code as of Dynamics NAV 2017 but I am sure they will be different products in future.
Licensing Dynamics 365 Business Edition -
Are you looking to move to Dynamics 365 Business Edition, below are my findings of how much it cost to a Customer?
Recommended Price - 40 USD for Each App per user per month.
For all apps (Currently 04) - 50 USD per user per month. (Pan Model)
** Prices will decrease the number of concurrent users.
** If a NAV Client wants to migrate they will get the pretty big discount per month.
More From Partner Source -
The Apps for Dynamics 365 for Financials whitepaper
App Validation guidelines for Dynamics 365 for Financials.
Most Talked Features about Dynamics NAV 2017 and other related areas -
2. Add Fields in Table / Pages from The Web, Tablet and Phone client.
3. Customizing Dynamics NAV or Dynamics 365 Business Edition - Will be only using Extension in future.
4. AppSource - App source is the way of the future that allows all developers to publish their custom solution for sale on App source. Microsoft has indicated that they will “let the market decide” the pricing and the apps that are popular.
Good Bye Development Environment (our Loved Finsql.exe) and Welcome Visual Studio Code

2. We all need to learn new stuff.
3. VS Code is a lightweight source code editor, running on Windows, Mac and Linux.
4. Built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript and Node.js.
5. Supports extensions (no, not NAV Extensions!) for other languages, like C#, Python or PHP.
6. Enables the creation of objects in AL language.
7. It involves the creation of a model to support IntelliSense and the creation of a new compiler.
8. VS Code is file based, so we have to learn to work with files instead of objects in a database.
9. The editor supports IntelliSense, so it is aware of available fields, controls, etc.
10 .The language is AL language and pretty much the same language as we are used today.
11. Everything is text based. So the declaration of variables, functions, fields, triggers, you name it, is done in text.
Source of information
Where to Focus -
As a NAV Developer, Do I need to look to some specific areas (Future Ready)?
1. Change in approach how you customize Dynamics NAV.
2. Learn Events and Subscriptions (Core for Extensions).
3. Download VS Code, watch the introductory videos and get used to it before it hits your NAV development environment!
Final Thoughts (Two Cents about Extensions) -
If you are still reading, that means I am making some sense. Before we end this article, I would like to put my thoughts about confusion about extensions.
There are so many concern in terms of how Extensions will work with NAV Open Source Approach.
Till NAV 2017 (Not Sure) we are able to customize NAV as we were doing from the day we started working with Navision. Everyone have own views about how it will transform it in future as doubts are around -
1. What if the only way to customize NAV is Extension?
2. How can I support a customer who is using a Custom Extension Solution Developed by another Partner?
3. Will the customer be stuck with a Partner Even they are not happy, Source Code Hidden?
4. How long will it take a customer to add a new field in a table if they plan to do with extensions?
I Think -
1. All these questions will also be there when Microsoft thought about this.
2. Current Focus is Extensions are the only way to customize Dynamics 365 not Dynamics NAV.
3. We can sell and customize Dynamics NAV as we used to.
4. Extensions are best fit for Dynamics 365 (my views).
5. If in the future the only way to customize Dynamics NAV is via Extension, I don't think the control will be with Microsoft for the extensions as it is for Dynamics 365.
6. Dynamics 365 have a set of processes before the extension is available for use by a customer.
7. Moving toward Visual Studio seems to have an approach to solving some areas of Extensions.
8. To me people have created a Hype about Extension, we actually need to focus on Events and Subscription. Extensions are just an option how you deliver / Release your custom solution.
I would end with saying, Don't worry much about Extensions as of now. Dynamics NAV is sellable because of Open Source and Microsoft Know it. We should focus on what is coming new, learn those things and be ready whenever we need it. Things will part in right place. Hope so!!
"Don't wait for some assignment for Learning whats new in product, Belive me that is not a option with the product now!!"Happy to hear your views...
+Saurav Dhyani - Microsoft Dynamics Navision (Pictures from all Confrences)
Saurav Dhyani
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