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Microsoft Dynamics NAV Madeira - How to setup Project Madeira using a demo O365 account.

Hi All,

I Know most of you have Setup Project Madeira. This article is for the Readers who still haven't setup Project Madeira with steps.

I have setup my Demo Copy and it look like as below -

Let's set it up for you.

1. Go to the Demo portal here:

2. Log in as a Microsoft Partner.

3. Click on the "Tenants" link in the left hand navigation.

4. Click the Create link in one of the open tenant slots.
5. Click the "Quick Tenant" button to get your tenant
6. Select the type of tenant you require, typically this would be the Standard Office 365 Demo content.

7. Once tenant has been created you will be returned to the tenant page with your new Quick tenant assigned.

8. In the left panel, choose Demos, and then choose Create New Demo.

9. Fill in the fields, and create a new demo tenant using the quick tenant template.  This gives you an administrative email account, such as

10. Now you are nearly ready to use. You will receive Email once all steps are completed. It will take some time to configure your System. Once the System is Ready you will again receive an email from Microsoft.

You can also check the progress from the first link how much % is your system ready.

10. Logon details for all demo tenants are standard. To logon to access your new tenant go to

11. logon with: Admin@<TenantName>  (ex: password: pass@word1 Then on to Project “Madeira”

12. Go to the Project “Madeira” site here and try the preview:

13. When asked to log in, specify your demo email account, such as

14. That’s it!

Furthermore, make sure you choose U.S. REGION or Project “Madeira” won’t work for sign up.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any issues.

Saurav Dhyani
