Now a Days as most of the work that partners have is upgrade.
It would not be wrong to say that even Microsoft have discontinued Support for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 and Previous version, we still have so many customers who are actually using them.
There are some customer still using version 3.7 or 2.0 but majority of customers are either on 4, 5 and 2009.
Now when we as Microsoft Dynamics Partners plan to upgrade a customer to NAV 2013 / NAV 2013 R2 / NAV 2015 and NAV 2016, first thing that we look for is the Microsoft Database (objects) of the base Version which is currently the Customer Version.
Where we can find the databases for these Old Versions of Microsoft Dynamics NAV?
To put above statement in simple words -
"To Identify Customization that need to be brought forward to Latest Release, we require the Old Base of Microsoft."
We then compare Microsoft Base Release with Customer Objects to identify the customization, and then we begin to bring it forward as-is or we re-engineer the customization. (Merge Process)
It is always a challenge to get access of Old Microsoft Dynamics NAV Product DVD From Microsoft Partner source. I was also looking for one such old Database backup for an upgrade Project.
Microsoft Have Release a Page which have All Database Backups and Some Upgrade Toolkit Backup for discontinued version.
You can access page using Partner Source Login. Click Here to Open Page.
The Page Contain Database Backup for 45 Navision Releases, you can also use below table to open the localized page directly.
List of Available
Countries In Above Link
This should help you when you plan to upgrade a existing Customer on Old Version.
Your Comments are much awaited.
Saurav Dhyani
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