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NAV 2013 R2 - Conditional Colouring in Matrix Page

Hi all,

In the following post we will try to conditional colour the values appearing on the matrix Page.

For the Demo Purpose we will use the Page "Items by Location Matrix".

The Article is based on request of Mr. Thiyagarajan M. All thanks to him if you find the article useful.

A standard Item By location Matrix Page Look Like as shown in Right.

For Conditional colouring a Non Matrix Page,please Refer the Article
Conditional Colouring in NAV 2013 Pages

Now my requirement for demo is to highlight those values in Red where the Inventory of Item Is Negative (less than Zero).

Let's Design Page 9231. I will be creating two functions in page for setting the style and removing the Style from the cells of Matrix page.

Function 1 - SetStyle

This Function sets the variable StyleText1 to StyleText32 to the TargetValue if the Cell Data meets the condition.

The Available options for TargetValue are listed in comment on the top of function.If you want different style per column then set different style in each condition.

Function 2- ClearStyle

This function Clears the Value stored in the Text Variables StyleText1 to StyleText32.

The Function will be used in System during the Page Initialization & Before assigning Style Value to each Cell.

Below are the Function Calling for the New Function Created -


Matrix_OnAfterGetRecord - 

We now need to assign these StyleText variables in the field of the matrix page, as shown below.

Once all setup, lets try to run the matrix page again and see output.

Hope you find the article useful. If required you can download the Objects related to the article from my SkyDrive.

The Changes discussed above in demo are done in NAV 2013 R2 W1 Database.

FileName - NAV2013R2_Conditional_Colouring_Matrix_Page.rar

Your Queries and Comments are much appreciated.

Saurav Dhyani


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