Hi all,
As we see in last post how to expand-collapse in Navision RTC report.
In the same report we will now try to add Hyperlink to the item Number. So that on clicking on the item number in the report, the item card will get open in edit mode.
Let's see how to do it.
Taking Report 1001 (Inventory Valuation) Report for Demo.
1) Open Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer Environment.
2) Design Report 1001.
3) In C/AL Global add a new variable.
a) Name - ItemRecRef, Datatype - RecordRef.
4) Now i will add code in the data item to get item.
5) Goto Pre-data of Item and write following line of code.
a) ItemRecRef.OPEN(27);
6) Goto OnAfterGetRecord of Value Entry add following line of code.
7) Add a column in Report Desing for Item Table.
a) DataSource - FORMAT(ItemRecRef.RECORDID,0,10), Name - Item_Rec_Ref_Val
8) Now open the Report Layout in Visual Studio.
9) Goto TextBox Properties of =Fields!Value_Entry__Item_No__.Value.
10) Select the Action and select Go to URL.
11)Open the expression and change the existing code to this.
="DynamicsNAV:////runpage?page=30&mode=edit&bookmark="+FORMAT(Fields!Item_Rec_Ref_Val.Value)12) The windows should look like this.
Execute the report.
once you click the item number it will open item card in edit mode (as command in hyperlink).
All this is possible will all version of NAVISION Role Tailored Client Reports.
Saurav Dhyani
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