Hi all,
Last week I required to do some customization on 5.x database that i have already done on 2009 SP1. It consist of multiple tables and Reports so i was frusted that i have to do it again for 5.x as i cannot just import the objects of 2009 SP1.
While looking for some solution on the web, i find out that Mr. Rashed Amini have developed a tool which can downgrade objects from 2009 SP1 to 5.x and older versions of navision.
I used the tool and everything worked fine. What this tool does is remove the 2009 specific areas out of the text file and then importing them into 5.0 or older executables.you can try and test the tool. You can find the tool on Rashed Amini Blog
Thanks To +Preslav Velkov for the Updated Link.
Thanks & Regards,
Saurav Dhyani
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